
The Moment

A moment can describe tranquility or a death defying action. It may be a great aspiring memory or a horrible entrenched feeling. Not one person can ultimately create a “moment” on the spot, it takes multiple factors and events in order to take place. But the moment I am speaking of is the first time you heard the music you love. Everywhere we go nowadays we are bombarded with music whether it is the radio, iPod or television. What I am talking about is the first time you heard the song, band or album. We all grow up on music from our parents’ favorites or by our venturesome self. The time when I heard the crucial “moment” took me a long time. I found music all over whether it was finding my favorite hip hop album or punk rock album because I still remember each sound and song. But the first time I understood the meaning of music was just one song from the jazz era.

When we think about the Jazz and Blues era we go back to the 1920’s. People like Duke Elliot and Billie Holliday come to mind. The most recognizable name is Louis Armstrong. I could give you a lifestory because of his brillance but I will give you the short version. Early on the great Duke Ellington found Armstrong and diretcly put him in his band. Louis armstrong took spotlight because he quickly became the best anyone heard at the time. Many people do not know that Ellington always knew Arsmtrong was going to be great and beeter than he ever was. Finally Louis Armstrong moved to start his solo career. He ventured out with recording several albums with his studio bands, The Hot 5s and The Hot 7s. But one song came out of his recordings that broke the barrier that we now know as pop music.

The track is entitled, “Heebies Jeebies”. The song title is probably not his most recognized but it revolutionuzed a song better than oher song at its time. The song was the first recorded in the 4/4 measure and it included an informal solo. Not only did it include these two unrecorded sensations he scatted on the track as well.  Before this time every song included a formal solo which was a band member’s part of the song by himself. The informal solo allowed Louis Armstrong to showcase his musical prowess to the world. Imagining hearing that song when it was recorded. It would have blown ur mind like hearing your favorite song or being in the moment for the very first time.

When words cannot transcribe a moment sometimes music is the best and only way to describe it.  Unless your hearing the song  for the first time, music seems to fit the mood better than spoken words. Now go and find your moment in life and in music and it will lead in the right direction.

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